今日塔羅 - Tarot Reading

3 Card Tarot Reading

Suitable for Comprehensive Analysis

Universal tarot card spread, customizable also!

Applicable in various contexts, unrestricted for divination purposes

Or analyzing specific aspects of independent matters.

In Love

This spread is a universal tool that can be used in all situations,often for simple matters. It provides straightforward interpretations based on the cards, directly pointing to the core of the matter.

This spread is effective for regular divination and suitable for beginners.


Preparations before divination.

Relax yourself

Take a deep breath, let go of any tension, and clear your mind of distractions. If you're in a noisy place, find a quieter spot or make yourself more comfortable.

Focus your mind

Before drawing cards, focus on a question or situation that is currently troubling you. The more focused your mind, the clearer the tarot cards can guide you from within.

Face the tarot cards with honesty.

Please accept the information and guidance from the tarot cards with honesty, even if some of it seems contrary to your thoughts. Perhaps, this is the new perspective you need. The interpretations we provide may not perfectly reflect every nuance, but they are designed to assist you in your journey.

The result is not absolute

The outcomes of tarot cards are not absolute; they only help you see the core of the situation and provide guidance. While some cards may seem despairing, don't be afraid. The cards only reflect the current situation, and there is always a positive aspect to them.